Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Cute Picture of Bella

And, to counteract the bummer-ness of my last post: here's a cute picture of our cat, Bella.


Thomas Loganbill said...

I would be wide eyed too if you took my picture while trying to take a bath. Hope she doesn't think the tub is another place like her kitty litter palace.

Deborah said...

Best picture ever! Cries out for enlargement and framing.

Chrissa said...

Hi Dana - I just came across your blog via Jeff H's Here & There, and am cracking up at your reflections on bad author photos. I'm commenting on this post, however, because I recently took an eerily similar photo of our cat in the tub (I promise this is not a secret link to a skanky celeb site):

Separated at birth?

- Chrissa