Sunday, January 20, 2008

Would you like a cold with that?

On Saturday, S and I went to visit our good friends and their adorable new baby. Currently, they're living in the burbs, and we took this opportunity to do a Target run. In addition, S was really hankering for a cheeseburger from....Red Robin. Wow. Red Robin on a Saturday is kind of an amazing experience. Lots of families, guy in the corner blowing up balloons, harried-looking parents trying to contain their kids while they wait for a table.

We're seated in 10 minutes and we order. In a while, the runner brought our food out. At this point, I assumed a look of horror. The poor woman who brought out our food was suffering from a cold so bad she could almost not breathe. A line of mucus escaped from her nose, as she thrust the food at us and rasped "here's your food." Her poor voice was barely audible through the gunk that was accumulated in her various nasal and throat passages.

AGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! To me, this is the height of unappetizing.

At this point, we had a Male v. Female moment. We looked at each other with shock and disgust, but then S started digging into his burger and onion rings. I, on the other hand sat there and looked at my salad. I imagined all of the nasty germs flying from her mouth and hands to my food. My cold food. I couldn't do it! I flagged down the waitress and explained the situation and sent my salad back for a new one.

Talking to a few other male friends, they all agree they would have eaten the burger and onion rings, too. Seems to be pretty common. Most girls I spoke to though, were having none of it. We'd all unanimously send our food back.

Interesting life lesson at Red Robin.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Pork chop sandwiches!